Ithaca College Students / Scholars blog brings out one point in its mission internet publication. College years are going to be the best years of your life.
After some investigation, the most surprising aspect about Ithaca College is that its core of undergraduates are more alert and achieve higher academic scores in basic courses such as Introduction to Physics, Calculus, Psychology, or Chemistry for expample when compared to Cornell Students. Moreover, the course at Ithaca College, themselves, are tougher too.
So what gives. And then you note the more serious tone of the student body which relfects the true academic nature of Ithaca College being more Pedagogic educational centered based, and not like the gleamy - wild eyed researched pedagogy of Cornell University.
Then you note even more distinct differences in the upper levels of 300 and 400 code course numerations for Junior, and Senior levels repsectively. Greater percentage of IC students are on Dean's Lists. This gives a fuller context of the quality of instruction which centers on the students, rather than on a pet research proiect. Some of Cornell research often goes dead ended.
Thus in comparison with Cornell University, there are indeed several differences between these two institutions of academia within ithaca, New York.
Mr. Roger M. Christian
Blog Link:
The State of New York
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